War for the Planet of the Apes – A spoiler free review.


War for the Planet of the Apes is the third and conclusive movie in the new Planet of the Apes reboot trilogy. I’m straight up gonna tell you that this new trilogy is one of my favorites and it is an example of a perfect trilogy. A perfect trilogy’s one where the next movie is better than the one preceding it. In this case also Dawn was better than Rise and War is better than Dawn.

As for this movie, it was amazing! Firstly, the CGI is really good. The team working on it must be very talented. Then the actors did a really great job too. Andy Serkis as Caesar was amazing. So, visually the movie is exceptional.

Now about the story. The title of the movie may be misleading for some people as they may expect an action movie about Apes vs Humans with guns and warfare throughout. But it actually isn’t an action movie, I mean there are some action scenes and there is a big finale as you would expect but this movie has more of drama. Its more of a thinking person’s movie. It also has some emotional moments where you might shed an occasional tear. This movie is actually about Caesar’s personal journey rather than the war. It does show us how the apes and people are affected by war.

Now about the acting, the acting in this movie is again terrific. Andy Serkis certainly deserves an Oscar for his work. Woody Harrelson’s character was great in this movie. And Nova (a girl who’s adopted by the apes) has some really cute scenes. The movie is mostly serious in its tone but the character of Bad Ape does bring in a few laughs. Also the score in this movie is just perfect. The drumming builds up the tension really well.

I feel this movie is better than Dawn of the Planet of the Apes because of the greater emotional depth it has. Overall, I’d definitely recommend checking it out. I usually don’t do movie reviews but I felt like this movie deserved it. War for the Planet of the Apes has now earned a place in my list of favorite movies!

So, have you seen War for the Planet of the Apes yet ? If yes, did you like the movie ? Lemme know your thoughts!

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